Hi, I’m Electric Felix! Ever since I hopped on an electric motorbike back in 2017 I’ve been hooked on electric vehicles. This website is meant to help you ease the transition to electric mobility, day to day, and especially on holiday. With my knowledge and experience provide you with up-to-date information about charging infrastructure allover Europe, no matter your vehicle of choice.
If you become a patron, you get access to all the travel guides available right here. My newsletter is free for everyone.
Join Electric Felix and become part of the traveling community!
As a patron of Electric Felix you can request personal travel advice for your holidays around Europe. Of course, I recommend starting with reading the guides for the countries you’re planning to visit, that should set you up with the right apps and charging cards beforehand.
My IONITY and other fast charging pricing pages are available free of charge for everyone.
Same with the newsletter, if you just want to stay up-to-date with all European (fast) charging news and learn about my recent travels the newsletter is the best place to start.
Moderator AMWE Paris ‘23 : Ramping Up Charge Stations to Meet EV Sales 2023-3-21
Guest Speaker during Fastned Days : The Builders Summit 2023-3-17
Guest on Ladeweile podcast : Gotta charge ‘em all mit Electric Felix 2022-12-08
Guest on Axudo podcast : 20. Duurzaam rijden en reizen met Electric Felix 2022-12-06
Speaking during ALV ‘22 of NOVE : NOVE 2022-11-30
Speaking on several panels during Fully Charged LIVE Europe ‘22 : Fully Charged 2022-05-22
Guest on Tech Stage, Forum Groningen : Elektrisch rijden, waarom niet? 2022-05-11
Guest on Max’ Autocast : EP 3. Naar Glasgow per EV, lukt dat? 2022-01-03
Speaking on the Media Panel of Global e-Mobility Forum ‘21 : Global e-Mobility Forum 2021-11-25
Article by newspaper AD : Last van ‘laadpaalstress’? (…) 2021-11-05
Article by Trouw : Elektrische steps zijn in opkomst 2021-08-06
Interviewed by RTL news channel : Over elektrisch rijden in Europa 2021-07-21
Article by Financieel Dagblad : Duitsland went aan e-auto maar snakt naar laadpalen 2021-05-03
Guest on REVOLUTION podcast : EP 16. EV road trips, travel guides, and charge cards with Felix Hamer 2021-04-05
Guest on MNOT podcast : S08E16 – Pedaalkeuzes en EV’s maar 50% opladen met “Electric Felix” Hamer 2021-01-13
Article by newspaper Trouw : Elektrische scooters zijn niet altijd duurzamer 2020-11-24
Interviewed by Daimler Mobility : Electric Roadtrips? Challange E-ccepted 2020-08-17
Guest on Fahr doch elektrisch! podcast : S2_Episode 1: Electric car roadtrips with Felix Hamer! 2020-08-15
Guest on Doe Duurzaam podcast : S1E1 Electric Felix over elektrisch rijden in het buitenland 2020-05-18
Article by newspaper Trouw : Naar Berlijn en terug voor een tientje, in een supersnelle e-bak 2019-03-03