The ultimate EV travel guide to France
France by EV (updated Summer ‘21)
Without Chargemap you don’t stand a chance in France. Don’t blindly trust abetterrouteplanner either. Everything you need to know to travel safely in your EV around France!
Become a patron to gain access to Germany by EV
Germany by EV (updated Feb ‘20)
When you become a patron of electricfelix you gain access to all the travel guides to Europe plus you can always ask for personal travel avice through the Request Advice module.
Become a patron to gain access to The UK by EV
The UK by EV (updated summer ‘19)
When you become a patron of electricfelix you gain access to all the travel guides to Europe plus you can always ask for personal travel avice through the Request Advice module.
Most recent addition: the EV travel guide to Italy!
When you become a patron of electricfelix you gain access to all the travel guides to Europe plus you can always contact me for personal travel advice through the Request Advice module.